Your gender shouldn’t determine whether you get an education

The Salustiano Freitas Scholarship Fund

This program supports quality education in Timor-Leste by providing scholarships to young Timorese to undertake a Bachelor of Education. Friends of Baucau scholarships are provided to students who passed all the entry requirements for the Bachelor of Education but do not have the means to pay the fees. The students are selected on merit by the Teacher Training College. The scholarships (approximately US$1400 per student per year) are paid through the Australian Marist Solidarity Fund and fully fund each student (equipment, lodging etc.).

In 2019 Friends of Baucau renamed the program The Salustiano Freitas Scholarship Fund in honour of Salustiano Freitas who died on 1 December 2018 in Melbourne.

Salustaiano Freitas

Salustiano was a long-term activist for Timorese self-determination and an active member of Friends of Baucau. He grew up in Dili, attended Escola Tecnica and was a member of UNETIM, the students' movement for independence. He migrated to Australia in 1975 following the Indonesian invasion. Salus was one of the first diaspora Timorese to enter higher education in Australia, completing an Honours degree in Asia-Pacific Community Development after completing a TAFE course at Victoria University. Salustiano was an active contributor to the Diplomatic Front of the East Timorese resistance, initiating a conference in Melbourne which led to the publication of a book, It's Time To Lead The Way : Timorese people speak about exile, resistance and identity. After independence he became a great mentor to the students from Timor-Leste coming to Melbourne to study. He will be long remembered as the 'Liurai of Footscray'. We remember Salustiano’s support, challenging questions, interesting discussions and companionship given to Friends of Baucau for over 18 years.

Teacher Training College, Baucau - Instituto Católico para a Formação de Professores (ICFP)

This college was established in 1999 by the Australian Marist Brothers to train teachers in Timor-Leste. In its beginning years the Institute addressed the pressing needs of in-service training in physics, languages and school leadership among other areas. In 2003 the Institute began the three-year program for a Bachelor of Teaching to train primary school teachers.

By 2018 a total of 630 students had completed their studies and were contributing to education and training across the country. In 2018 forty-eight students graduated with a Bachelor of Teaching. That year the Institute had 69 students enrolled in 1st year, 50 in 2nd year and 51 in 3rd year. There were also 55 studying the Licenciatura da Educação, a 4th year of study that raises the qualification from a Bachelor of Teaching to a Bachelor of Education. The Bachelor of Education qualifies graduates to teach from year one primary school up to year ten junior secondary school.

In Sept 2019 the accrediting body for universities in Timor-Leste asked ICFP to restructure the three-year course into a 4 year Bachelor of Education for all students. This commenced in 2020.



In 2021 Friends of Baucau continues to support Francelina Maia da Costa Freitas. In 2021 she is doing her 3rd year.

She was supported by St Clare’s for the first 2 years of her degree.

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In 2020 the Salustiano Freitas Scholarship Fund supports three students:

  • Julieta da Silva

  • Guida Amelia Soares Gusmão Goulart

  • Francelina Maia da Costa

Julieta is completing her 4th year in 2020. She is from Bucoli village and was elected to the student council in 2019.

Guida is also completing her 4th year and is from Quelicai village.

Francelina is supported through donations from St Clare’s Primary School in Officer and is in her 2nd year. She is from Caibada Makasae in east Baucau. She is 20 years old and has three sisters and four brothers. Nina, as she is called, would like to teach younger children when she graduates.

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Students supported include:

  • Juliana Soares

  • Leticia do Rosario da Costa Belo

  • Joanna Belo

  • Zelia Recardina de Oliveira