Date:  20 May 2020

Time:  6 – 7.30 pm

Place:  Zoom (invitation to be sent one week prior to the meeting, with 2019 minutes)

Our annual general meeting (AGM) is held once a year with an invitation for all members and interested friends to attend. In the AGM we give a report on our activities and finances for the previous year, allow time for members to ask questions, and elect members of the committee for the coming year.

Given restrictions on face to face meetings, this AGM will be conducted by Zoom. For details of nomination and proxy processes please email

Please Note

Membership is required to cast a vote. Memberships for 2020 can be made through Trybooking:

We look forward to sharing our review of 2019 with you!


One year ago in Timor-Leste


Chris Dureau wins 2019 Darebin Community Award